Upcoming Workshops at Naracoopa Art Gallery & Studio

Workshops: Naracoopa Art Gallery & Artist Studio



Digital Ground Imaging, Stitch, Mixed media, Collage


Textile/Mixed Media Art Workshops

Spend a day or two in a studio with mixed media/textile artist Grace Cross and experiment with a variety of mixed media art and textile processes. Learn and explore in a one-day workshop, join a two day intensive session, or book a Studio Day working on an independent project of your choice with artist on one-on-one basis. Studio Days can be also arranged for a group of friends who want to spend a weekend away, engage in creative play, learn and practice a new skill together. Naracoopa Art Gallery has 2 accommodation suites available for just such gatherings.

The content of workshops is based on the process of exploration, experimentation and hands-on engagement with a variety of materials and media. Possibilities to explore

Surface Decoration and Mark Making on Fabrics and Paper

Rust Printing and Dyeing, Including Eco Dyeing on Paper & Fabrics: Rust, Layer, Embellish

Digital Ground Image Printing on Fabrics & specialised Papers

Collage, Mixed Media, Printmaking, Stitching and more

Studio Day/s, Independent Masters Project
For more information on Workshops and studio days contact  


Dates: TBA

Time: 10 am – 4 pm with morning tea and lunch break each day

Venue: Naracoopa Art Gallery & Artist Studio, 60 Phillips St Bracken Ridge

Fee: One day workshops $125 Two days $250 (Most materials will be provided but dependent on workshop selected a small material fee could be incurred)

For more information on dates and booking contact Grace:  grace@naracoopagallery.com.au       0412147456


While these workshops are designed for two days, it is sometimes possible to join us for one day only dependent on the sequencing of projects. 

No experience is necessary, and all levels are welcome

Due to space and Covid Safe practices we will never have more than 5 participants at one time making the learning experience more personal.